With a system that puts together rear contacts and rear wafer passivation, mono PERC modules increase PV efficiency by maximizing light capture. Our mono PERC panels are developed to meet the utility, commercial, and residential needs through project managers, contractors, installers, and EPCs. These are backed up by a financing platform created to help all solar businesses lower their capital cost and boost growth.
Monocrystalline cells come from one silicon crystal. They are highly efficient, have better performance, and have a longer lifespan because they are made from special silicon crystals. Polycrystalline, on the other hand, is manufactured by melting several silicon crystals. These are easy to manufacture, generate less waste, and are cost-effective.
However, changes in the manufacturing processes of cells are starting to limit the cost advantage of poly modules over mono modules. In 2018, there were about 50 percent of mono modules produced globally. There were other developments, such as thin-film and bifacial, but the former is not best for residential installments, and the latter is relatively new.
PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) is a technology that is presently available as Poly and Mono cells. Typically, solar cells consist of a front emitter layer and a rear coating, while PERC utilizes a dielectric film on its back surface for passivation. Therefore, PERC cells absorb sunlight using its front surface while absorbing reflected or scattered light using its rear surface. As a result, it results in more energy production compared to conventional counterparts because it has internal reflectivity and better absorption. These factors add more benefits to residential consumers.
Below are two features of PERC modules:
- More flexibility- provides end-users with placement and tilt options without compromising efficiency. It is convenient for consumers with limited roof spaces.
- Increased energy density- lesser energy cost means lower payback time.
Combining these two best technologies offers a higher efficiency of about 22 percent, thereby justifying the high cost of solar energy technologies. Other types of panels can also attain the expected energy production.
With their excellent high-temperature and low-light performance, they allow more flexibility during installation and set up. However, Mono PERC does not apply to other solar projects. Nevertheless, they are best for residential buildings, allowing faster ROI (Return on Investment) and lower installation costs. The increasing demand for more energy-efficient panels continues to rise, motivating residential consumers to use mono PERC solar panels instead.